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If you’ve started working on the tools and documents mentioned earlier in this book, you’ll be in a unique position to delight the writers you work with. Most of the systems we’ve discussed are designed to make a writer’s job easier. These tools provide writers with most of what they will need to create content that fits your strategy.

In this chapter we’ll discuss where to find writers, and how to work with them.

Places to find writers

Problogger Jobs Board ( - For $70, you can post a job to one of the most popular writer sites out there.

Zerys ( - Connects you with an editor and over 60,000 writers. This tool is free to use; you pay at the end of the process, when you’re happy with the product and with the writing that has been generated.

Upwork ( - A popular site for freelancers where you can post a job or project and test out some writers.

Guest content on other blogs - Look for guest articles on sites that discuss similar topics to yours. You can often find guest writers who are happy to write for you as well. This is a win-win partnership; the guest writers are excited to develop more content, and to get their name out there. They are happy to associate with strong, successful businesses. And you get great content written by writers who are already recognized as thought leaders in your industry.

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