It is not a simple equation of volume divided by time

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Productivity can’t be fully optimized if you do not work consciously on these factors. It is not a simple equation of volume divided by time. Impact, endurance and essence have their own merit and importance. You will continue to spin the wheels, aiming to increase your speed or simply burnout but you will miss the whole point. I am not saying you should follow these factors blindly but if you come to your work value from a perspective of boundlessness time and space, would you adjust how you are currently approach your work?

I truly believe that the most important factor among the four is essence. For one thing, you can’t truly consider yourself as productive when there is no essence to your work. You might have great impact, endurance and volume in your work output however if the core essence equates to zero then it is all for naught. Your total productivity would still be zero because it will not matter as it has no point and serves no true purpose. The essence becomes your purpose.

Moreover, you will realize that when you soon optimized the essence of your life’s value, all other factors will follow suit. When you start to embrace that essence, it significantly increases your impact, endurance, and volume. The dreadful hours spent in the office are no longer dreadful as it all aids in the bottom line. Finding what your essence is provides an immediate boost in your own personal productivity.

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