type customertbl2 inside the table name input box

You will be asked to provide a name for your table



Even if the WHERE clause is an optional part, you are required to include it when you want to delete selected rows of data from a certain table. Without the WHERE clause, you will be removing all the records from the table.

To demonstrate the function of the DELETE statement, you will create a copy of the Customer_TBL table first. In this way, you will still be able keep the original table to be used for further exercises.

  1. Go to the DATABASE NAVIGATOR then right-click on Customer_TBL. Choose CREATE A SIMILAR TABLE.

  1. You will be asked to provide a name for your table. Type Customer_TBL2 inside the TABLE NAME input box.

  1. Click on the COMMIT STRUCTURE CHANGES button under the STRUCTURE tab. You will get the screen below.

  1. Click on the OK button and a new Customer_TBL2 table will be created. This will be the table that you will work around to demonstrate the DELETE command.

At this point in time Customer_TBL2 table is empty, so you have to copy the records from Customer_TBL table. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the option then click the REFRESH TABLE DATA button or press F5 on your keyboard. This will ensure that your data in the database table is updated.